Sunday, December 6, 2015

Marketing In Today's Digital Landscape

With the vast growth in social technology, (mobile devices, apps, social networking, etc.) people have become more connected than ever. As these technologies advance further, more and more of the world is becoming connected as well. These new methods of interaction and digital landscape have altered and will continue to alter marketing strategies, as we know. Consumers and businesses now consume and do business mostly from a digital standpoint. The consumer may search product information through the many faucets accessible to them now such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc. Just as that is, most businesses are also taking to this new form of business-to-client communication, using the same means. speaks of a relatively new practice called, Integrated marketing communications (IMC). IMC is intended to convey a constant idea from the company’s advertisings to the consumer through a multitude of different media outlets such as, websites, mobile devices, TV, radio, etc. This provides stable communication between the consumer and the business, building solid relationships between the two.


Relating these ideas with the music industry, we can quickly see how they can be significantly advantageous to recording studios, labels, artists and virtually anyone else within the music business that is looking to expand their customer base. Many may already understand the importance of marketing and they may already utilize social media and digital marketing to a certain degree as well. However, are they truly getting the most of what they can from it by efficiently utilizing these resources? Staying up-to-date with the latest social media marketing tactics and trends is extremely important in today’s world, especially in the entertainment industry.

Social Media Examiner has posted sixteen social media marketing tips from industry professionals that could be of serious help. Tips such as hosting social media events, how to effectively communicate to your target audience through social media, getting the attention of your influencers, ad optimization, etc. No matter your involvement in the entertainment industry, these tips are certain to give you some insight in expanding your client/fan base within the digital world.


King, C. (August 13, 2013). 16 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros. Retrieved December 6, 2015 from

1 comment:

  1. Josh,

    Business is becoming more and more digital, and companies are transitioning to digital to supply the demand. Marketing is also transitioning to digital formats and our computers are bombarded with advertisements daily. This transition has been beneficial to independent musicians, producers, studios, and anyone trying to make a living from music.

    I have never heard of Integrated Marketing Communications before, but it sounds like it could be beneficial music industry professionals. After first reading about IMC, it sounds a lot like Brand Marketing. Using the same brand imagery helps connect the products top the brand and the consumers. It seems like these two marketing will go hand-in-hand. I am going to look more in to IMC and see if may be a method of marketing that I use for my company.

    Good, informative post!

